Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Problem, Unemployment, And Social Issues - 938 Words
In contemporary China, the flourish economy is of great benefits to many industries such as agriculture, urban housing, taxation and medical care, GDP have a buoyant trend at 7.5%, which causes a spurious fact that too many job opportunities can be created by the enhancement of living standard. However, the statistics from World Bank shows that the GDP of China have a slow upward on economy growth in the past decades, which from 11.4% to 7.4%, the year between 2007 and 2008 dramatically in particular. The inflation (consumer prices) also depicts ongoing slumping trend during the period, hit bottom at -0.7% in 2009.All the truths give rise to a fact that the many job opportunities are exploited by cutting down the number of workers, close-down of small industries and so on. In this paper, I detail the real problem, unemployment, occurred in China and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of one strategy taken by government. The social problem comes from controversial social condition and consensus social issue, the origin and affect of social issues is itself (Charon, 2001). According to world development indicator, the unemployment rate, defined as percentage of unemployed workers of total labor forces, has steadily decreased from 4.2% to 4.05% between 2005 and 2015, but it is much higher than government says it is. So the type of unemployment can be found to analyze the reason why unemployment is serious problem in China. Mark Thoma briefly explain that structuralShow MoreRelatedHow Capitalism Contributes Towards Unemployment Essay1650 Words  | 7 PagesThis business proposal will address the idea of unemployment as a social problem in today’s society. How capitalism contributes towards unemployment is an issue that has been around since the 2007 recession and continue to be an issue for the foreseeable future. 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GDP growth(annual %) between 2005 and 2015 (Source: World Bank http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?source=2country=CHNseries= period=#) Figure 2 Inflation, consumer prices(annual %) (source from World Bank http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?source=2country=CHNseries= period=) ThetypesofemploymentinChina The social problem comes fromRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination and Understanding Personal Troubles as Social Issues1259 Words  | 6 Pagesand understanding personal troubles as social issues: The Sociological Imagination allows us to question â€Å"things†or issues which are common and familiar to us and to find its deeper meaning. With the Sociological Imagination way of thinking, we find reasoning and uncover why many things in society are the way they are. The Sociological Imagination does not attempt to understand the individual and his or her problems alone, but focuses on issues and problems as it affects the greater society. 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The Conflict theory perspective explains how unemployment can be caused by class and power by focusing on the inequality within society. The inequality sequentially predicts that the poorer members of society struggle to find employment, to be able
Monday, December 16, 2019
Body Language in the Workplace Free Essays
The book deals with how Body Language affects your business career and illustrates you step-by-step examples on the effect of Body Language and how to use it in favour of your success. The author’s Allan Barbara Pease both come from the Business World and established this book together, developing specific techniques trough personal experiences. Allan Pease made his first personal experience with the effect of Body Language as a Teenage Boy, working as a door-to-door salesman for a rubber sponge company. We will write a custom essay sample on Body Language in the Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now He quickly learned, by watching the people’s Body Language on what they were thinking and then found a way to persuade them to willingly buy the rubber sponges without them noticing it. He later worked as a successful salesman for an Australian Life Insurance Company. The Book is a â€Å"How to†Book and designated to prospective and current Business People. The author adresses the reader directly, which gives a more personal approach to the Book. The author’s style is very informal, the quality of writing is very clear and original which makes it easier for the reader to follow and not get bored. It suits the intended audience. Body The book contains seven Chapters, each chapter representing a different situation the reader is confronted with in his/her everyday Business Life, making it easier for the reader to identifiy himself/herself in the examples and adapting them more easely. Each example is given an additional illustration or specific situation so the reader is directly involved in the situation and understands better what the author is refering to. Furthermore, there are 14 Business rules spread out over the book. More precisely, each chapter contains 2 Business Rules that have to be remembered. Moreover, the book is divided into two different categories: ‘A woman in Business’ and ‘A man in Business’. The first chapter has the Title â€Å" Interviews: How to Get the Job†¦Every Time; Are you Sitting Comfortably ? How to Sit, Where and Why â€Å" . It discusses how a First Impression is made and how to work on it. The first impression is more important than what is written on your Curriculum Vitae. The Interviewer will remember your appearance rather than what College you attended. This chapter also tells you what to do and what not to do in an interview, by example not to wear a Goatee because it represents Satan and people will most likely repel people subconciously. Furthermore, the chapter sow the reader how seating arrangements can change your whole position and what type of Table is most suitable for a Conference. The second chapter has the Title â€Å" How to Take Your Career in Your Hands: the Art of Handshaking, Networking and Surviving the Office Party†. In this chapter the reader learns what a Handshake can do to his/her professional career, in other words : â€Å"A good handshake can be the difference between a career boost and career suicide†. Furthemore, the reader learns how to behave at an Office Party and how to boost your popularity. The third chapter, â€Å"Persuasive Presentations†shows the reader how to behave during a Presentation, taking a close look at the audience and work with Power Point Presentations. In this chapter the reader learns that the audience sitting on their left is more likely to be attentive and respondend to Jokes than the audience sitting on their right. The fourth chapter, â€Å"Mastering Meetings and Perfecting Phone- and Video-Conferencing†tells the reader how to behave during a Video Conference, watching his/her Body Language and adapting the speed of Voice and sound to the other person during Phone- and Video-Conferences. The fifth chapter, â€Å"The Best-Kept Secrets of Successful Businesspeople†demonstrates the reader how to make himself/herself â€Å"taller†in the Businessworld, since it is proven that taller people get higher positions and therefor higher salaries. Moreover, this chapter shows the reader how to use eye contact and moderate smiling in specific situations. The sixth chapter, â€Å"Globalisation: The Perils and Pitfalls†shows the reader to take into consideration foreign Body-Language, especially in the Business World where people travel a lot. The authors give the most common example of Japan,where certain aspecst of Body Language are perceived differently than in Europe and how misleading Body Language can ruin a Business Plan. For example, when Japanese people nod their head while you are speaking does not mean that they are in complete agreement with you, but they are rather telling you that they are listening and that you should keep on talking. The seventh and last chapter, â€Å"Office Politics, Power-Players, Office Romances and Other Ticking Bombs†gives the reader examples on how to avoid intimidation by superiors,seeing who’s surfing on the internet and who’s really working at home, how to spot and â€Å"office romance†and most importantly how to deal with stress. Conclusion The Book gives a clear and specific Guideline on â€Å"How to†Behave in different situations , but also shows the reader the Consequences of the mistakes he/she might be making without being conscious about them. The book is easy to follow and would rather be used by people preparing for an interview. In my opinion, it is very interesting to see how such little things that are thought to be unnoticed can have such a big impact on your professional career. Personally, I encountered the same experience as the Author, Allan Pease working as a â€Å"sales person â€Å" for an NGO, but instead of doing door-to-door I had to accost the people on the street. Opening your arms to the person and showing your palms is more likely to make people stop and listen to you than moving towards them, arms crossed. It was very interesting for me to find myself in certain aspects of the book and and learn ways to improve your own appearance. I would definetly recommend this book to any person who is looking for a Job or changing Workplace and/or preparing himself/herself for a presentation. How to cite Body Language in the Workplace, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Enterprise Integration and Information Architecture †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Enterprise Integration and Information Architecture. Answer: Introduction: Enterprise Information Architecture or EIA is generally considered as a component of the enterprise architecture which is generally intended to provide a common framework so as to share the data in a cost effective way across different units of an organization. EIA IS also associated with taking care of the security and privacy of the specific information management. In todays world the Government is facing a lot of pressure so as to become more open, accountable and transparent with the citizens of the country, business and community organizations (Adenuga, Kekwaletswe and Coleman 2015). This report mainly aims at making use of the EIA RA or Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture approach so as to develop a national EHR or Electronic Health Record system which would associated with helping the Government as well as the citizens. EIA RA or Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture can be defined as a templet approach to the EIA or Enterprise Information Architecture. This approach not only works through a systematic process of design but is also associated with assuming the fact that there exists tired and true methods and patterns for the design which are responsible for building the blocks of an information system (Mudaly et al. 2013). The conceptual architecture, logical architecture, operating model and component modelling are included in the systematic EIA RA approach for the purpose of developing the National EHR System management. Conceptual Architecture: The large development of the IT sector has made everyone aim in transforming a paper-based and locally working national healthcare system into a system which is much more modernized and focused on delivering service all across the nation. Which means creating an eHealth system which would be associated with meeting all the latest demands and also the requirements which are related to the security of the data, IT and Healthcare. This new healthcare system would be providing different healthcare providers the facility of accessing and updating the data related to healthcare so as to make sure that the patients are provided with continuous care (Soceanu, Egner and Moldoveanu 2013). This new system also aims at providing a platform where the information system professionals and the healthcare professionals would be working together. The capabilities that are required by the new system mainly includes the following: The e-Healthcare system must work as a single enterprise. Provide the citizens with a cost effective service Developing an electronic summery of the patients Service delivery: This includes the delivering of services so as to ensue availability of sufficient amount of health facilities and improve the quality of the service as well. Health work force: This includes the Establishing of certain policies for the Human resources associated with health and improve the availability of the human resources for the health and lastly includes the improving of the skills of the health workers (Lake et al. 2014). Information about Health: This includes the improving of availability of the health information along with easy access to the information. Financing for health: This is to be done so as to improve the protection of the finance of vulnerable populations. Leadership and governance of the system: This means fostering of stewardship in the healthcare sector, including of the managerial and leadership instincts in the section of health workforce and lastly the improvement in the participation of the community in the process of governance. The above listed eight requirements of the e-Health EIS cannot be termed as an exhaustive list and this only pertains to be from the aspect of being centered around the citizens and for the social inclusion. The building blocks of the e-health system is provided below. Logical Architecture: The logical structure of the EHRsystem is set out so as to provide the technical functinalities that are required for the system so as to deliver provide a business oriented conceptual architecture. The figure provided below shows the logical model of the EHR management. The following function that are to the implemented are listed below: There might occur situations when there is a need of the data and the data sources are not available. Then the information pushed once it is updated in the Domain-specific Repositories. This are available whenever an application needs data. Along with the previous one for all the sources of data and the repositories that would be acting as the source for the integrated records would be maintained as an index or directory. When the data are pushed into the repositories or are stored in the system of the clinic then a reference of the data would also be stored in the EHR system otherwise a document registry is done (Adler-Milstein, Bates and Jha 2013). Whenever there is a need of providing an integrated view by the application, it makes use of the EHR system so as to find the components of the records which would be followed by displaying them. All the components included in the EHR system would be communicating with each other by making use of a shared network infrastructure which would be using the Service protocol which is agreed (Bender and Sartipi 2013). Information would be integrated into registry service and this would be allowing the patients providers and the location identifiers to get resolved from any kind of diverse identifiers that are generally used. The figure provided above shows the logical model of the EHR system which is to be implemented and the components are described below: The authorities associated with healthcare would be the focal point of providing the e-health service. The clinical system and the domain repositories can be considered as the feeder system for the health authorities and also for the province wide e-health services (Bender and Sartipi 2013). Along with this the strategic topics are collected by means of pushing the data into the sets of the repositories which are shared. The shared repositories can also be fed by the other types of agencies like the pharmacies or the private labs and many more (Duftschmid et al. 2013). Some data would also be maintained at the local levels which might include the colleges or the regulating bodies and many more. The document index would be responsible for identifying the location all the eHealth objects which would be generally related to a particular individual which are indexed by means of type, and would also be containing the links of the specific locations of the object (Yang et al. 2015). The pushing of the data to the domain repositories also means that they are getting updated in the index as well. The access of all this data would be provided by following a certain set of standardized services. All these services would be associated with providing access to the resources present in the portion of the shared repositories or in the applications of the health authority applications which might include the query access services by making use of the web services or for the online services by making use of the standards. Integration of the data would be done into the EHR system which might include the viewers of the EHR so as to use in the health authority or by the personals associated with providing care for the patients (Vest and Kash 2016). It is important to look into the matter that integration of data takes place by making use of the standard services which are existing. There would be existing a HIAL between both the authorities responsible providing healthcare and all the participants. The components of the infrastructure would be associated with providing basic message capabilities along with other common services which might include the federate authentication and authorization, queuing of the messages and workflow and also the administration. Component architecture: The National EHR system generally aims at combining the health related data gathered from the large ancillary services which includes the pharmacies, clinics, laboratory and many more. The EHR that is to be implemented should have the capability of importing data from various ancillary systems by making use of customer interfaces or may be associated with providing interfaces which would allow the clinics to access the silo systems by making use of the portals and many more (Marceglia et al. 2015). The general components of the EHR system can be classified into different types and this includes the following: This would be consisting of the registration, transfer, discharge and admission of the data. This components would be responsible for holding of the vital data in order to identify the patients in an accurate way followed by assessing them. This might include the name, demography, information of employer and many more. The registration process of the patient would be consisting of providing the patients with a unique identifier which usually includes a numeric or alphabetic sequence. This identifier would be unidentifiable by the others outside the system. The identifier that would be provided to the patients would be the core part of the EHR system and would be associated with linking of all the tests, procedures, complaints and many more. This identifier is often referred to as a medical record number or aster patient index or MPI. The laboratory system components: This system would be the standalone system which would be interfaced with the EHR system. The laboratory information system or the LIS would be used as a hub so as to integrate the orders or the results from the instruments in the laboratory and any type of administrative information (Dolcini and Sernani 2013). This laboratory data would be integrated with the EHR entirely only infrequently. This is further divided into two sub components and this are namely the capturing of the results from the laboratory machines and integration with the billing, images and results. Generally the Radio information system would be used by the radiology department in order to tie all the patients radiology data along with the images. The Radio Information system or the RIS would be consisting of the features like tracking of the patients, scheduling, image tracking and results reporting. The RIS system would be used in conjugation with the pictures archiving communications system of the PACS which would be responsible managing the studies of radiography (Mandl et al. 2014). This component along with using the RIS for picture archiving and communication system would be also associated with managing other processes like the flow of work, procedures for ordering, images and the results. This components can be further classified into multiple sub-components and this might include the electronic documentation, nursing component and computerized physician order entry or the CPOE. In the EHR system the CPOE would be used for the purpose of analyzing the needs of the patients and enter the needs directly into the computer. Along with this the electronic documentation would be used for the purpose of documenting the various notes like the history and physical, operative notes and consultation notes. And the pharmacy system which is included in this component would be used for the purpose of filling the prescriptions and maintaining the formulary for the drugs. Lastly the nursing component would be used for the purpose of allowing the collection of the information of the patients which are critical. This is the last component of the EHR system and would be associated with calculating all the charges which would be charged during the process of providing care. Along with this claims would also be generated by this system and would be submitted to various insurance carriers (Mandl et al. 2014). Conclusion: The connected government would be requiring an eHealth service and a National EHR system which is designed by making use of the industry standard Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture templets. After identifying the 8 major specific capabilities a system building block diagram along with an overview of the architecture has also been provided. The report also provides the conceptual non-technical view of the eHealth enterprise information system. And from the conceptual diagram the logical diagram has been drawn which translates al this concept into an information system which is further down into several other components and the component model has been also provided in this report. Along with this the various benefits also been shown. References: Adenuga, O.A., Kekwaletswe, R.M. and Coleman, A., 2015. eHealth integration and interoperability issues: towards a solution through enterprise architecture.Health information science and systems,3(1), p.1. Adler-Milstein, J., Bates, D.W. and Jha, A.K., 2013. Operational health information exchanges show substantial growth, but long-term funding remains a concern.Health Affairs,32(8), pp.1486-1492. Bender, D. and Sartipi, K., 2013, June. HL7 FHIR: An Agile and RESTful approach to healthcare information exchange. InComputer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 2013 IEEE 26th International Symposium on(pp. 326-331). IEEE. Da Xu, L., 2014.Enterprise integration and information architecture: a systems perspective on industrial information integration. Auerbach Publications. DOLCINI, G. and Sernani, P., 2013. A multi-agent architecture for health information systems.Advanced Methods and Technologies for Agent and Multi-Agent Systems,252, p.375. Duftschmid, G., Rinner, C., Kohler, M., Huebner-Bloder, G., Saboor, S. and Ammenwerth, E., 2013. The EHR-ARCHE project: Satisfying clinical information needs in a Shared Electronic Health Record System based on IHE XDS and Archetypes.International journal of medical informatics,82(12), pp.1195-1207. Lake, D., Milito, R.M.R., Morrow, M. and Vargheese, R., 2014. Internet of things: Architectural framework for ehealth security.Journal of ICT Standardization,1(3), pp.301-328. Mandl, K.D., Kohane, I.S., McFadden, D., Weber, G.M., Natter, M., Mandel, J., Schneeweiss, S., Weiler, S., Klann, J.G., Bickel, J. and Adams, W.G., 2014. Scalable collaborative infrastructure for a learning healthcare system (SCILHS): architecture.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,21(4), pp.615-620. Marceglia, S., Fontelo, P., Rossi, E. and Ackerman, M.J., 2015. A standards-based architecture proposal for integrating patient mHealth apps to electronic health record systems.Applied clinical informatics,6(03), pp.488-505. Mudaly, T., Moodley, D., Pillay, A. and Seebregts, C.J., 2013, November. Architectural frameworks for developing national health information systems in low and middle income countries. InEnterprise Systems Conference (ES), 2013(pp. 1-9). IEEE. Soceanu, A., Egner, A. and Moldoveanu, F., 2013, May. Towards interoperability of eHealth system networked components. InControl Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), 2013 19th International Conference on(pp. 147-154). IEEE. Vest, J.R. and Kash, B.A., 2016. Differing Strategies to Meet Information?Sharing Needs: Publicly Supported Community Health Information Exchanges Versus Health Systems Enterprise Health Information Exchanges.The Milbank Quarterly,94(1), pp.77-108. Yang, J.J., Li, J., Mulder, J., Wang, Y., Chen, S., Wu, H., Wang, Q. and Pan, H., 2015. Emerging information technologies for enhanced healthcare.Computers in Industry,69, pp.3-11.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Women During World War Two free essay sample
Therefore, not much was changing for hem. During World War One, as more and more went off the fight in the western front, their availability to work in the factories and offices decreased dramatically. In addition, women did not have much to do at home, as their men were not there. As a result, they were the only option to work in the factories to produce army supplies. This was a massive turn towards achieving a better position in society for women, because they got a chance to prove that they can do more than Just domestic work. Women worked from 8 in the morning until 6:30 in the evening, sometimes even until , painting planes with dope varnish, and filling shells with gunpowder and TNT. In return, they got illnesses and diseases, and not to mention, a bare minimum pay for their efforts. This goes to show that Britain would have not carried on the war without women as it says in Source 8, because supplies would have decreased drastically, and men fighting would have not been properly equipped to fght. We will write a custom essay sample on Women During World War Two or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, it obviously presses upon the fact that women were key to success in the war, hence making them Just as valuable as men, if not even more so. For that reason, ar changed a lot for women because they proved to be of equal importance to men by their efforts during the war to help the men fghting. Having said that, source 8 is a passage from Prime Minister Asquith in 1917. Therefore, it is probable to say that he had a political agenda to get across with his speech, and this means that he could be saying positive things for women in order to gain support, to maintain his position of power. Nonetheless, this does not make the source useless because the Prime Minister would have recognised womens contribution in the war; therefore, he may ave meant what he said. As mentioned before, women were paid for their work in factories. However, as there was no regulation or law regarding a national minimum wage, factory owners exploited this loophole by giving women lower wages, than they would have to men, and their working conditions were very poor. At the time, class was a major part of character Judgement, hence making it inevitable to believe that factory owners would have used the fact that very few women were from the middle class as a reason to not paying women fair wages. This suggests that war changed very little for women, s it also says in Source 9, it would be wrong, however, to [over]state the extent the changes in womens role in the labour force. This strongly advocates that men still to the labour force, therefore, meaning that very little changed for women because they men thought the same of them before and after the war. Even though class was a major issue, women continued to flourish in expanding their range of employment. Fewer women worked in the domestic service by 1918, yet their numbers in munitions, transport, and metals industries steadily rose by the end of he war. These were the kind of Jobs that were included as part of mens work, as it says in Source 8. With these increasing numbers, it goes to show the extent of improvement and change the war made for women because it enabled them to widen their abilities into various fields of work, thus making it easier for them to acquire better Jobs. In addition, this steady rise in numbers also proved that women were Just as good as men were, in terms of what they were capable to do. As a result, it is plausible to say that War changed very little for women is a wrong statement ecause it clearly did as more and more women got more involved in more industries than domestic work successfully. Regardless of progress made by women by moving into different fields of work by the end of the war, a major problem rose. The problem was that men from the Western and Eastern Fronts, were returning home and they wanted their Jobs back. However, as women occupied most of their Jobs, there was major uproar, and as a result, factory owners decided to let go of their women employees to make way for the men. In fact, two years after the war there were fewer women in work than before the ar, as it says in Source 7. It also states that the Jobs women had were hardly different from before the war. This means that, not only women lost their post in helping make Britain and greater state; they also went, essentially, back to square one. This is because the Jobs that got after the men returned were similar to those before the war- domestic work. This regression proves that war changed very little for women. In conclusion, the First World War certainly helped lift womens profile up in British society, in terms of value and respect. However, this seems to be the case only during he war when they were required to take Jobs at supply factories, where the men would have been. Even though this may seem to be a good thing, women were still being exploited by getting less pay and bad working conditions. Finally, after the war, when the men returned, they were left aside once more, because their use was no longer seen, as there was no longer a War Effort. As a result, women were seen as a subsidiary workforce on a temporary basis, which leads to state that after the war, they would be put back to square one. Thus, it is appropriate to say that war changed very little for women.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Social Construction of Gender essays
Social Construction of Gender essays Women have always been over shadowed by what it is believe to be the dominant sex (male). It is like is not enough with what women have to go through with the birth process, it is like been born with a disability, an inequality that the society have put on the shoulders of women. It is not a surprise to see a woman perform the same duties on the same job position of a man but at a much lower paid rate, the same apply to a female that goes in to the army or marine. They may get paid the same wage nowadays but with some limitation, you dont see a women commanding a platoon or been part of a special force team. and in the time of the world wars (1 and 2) the only roll women play was as a nurse or entertainer for the soldiers, and more shockingly as in the reading said they were latterly force to be feminine by making the ladies or female soldier to wear makeup, lipstick and eye shadow, they even attended classes in makeup, hair care, poise, and etiquette even though many female soldiers were tomboys. Thing that wasnt necessary in the battle field, they did it just to make the gender differences obvious. It is also interesting to see that when a women passes as a man it will get more recognition and increase her income, also men to women transsexuals tend to earn less after surgery if they change occupations. It is even worse if the woman is from a different social class, such as African American where not only women will have to deal with the machismo and gender preferences, but also with racism and other obstacles. ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Tips for avoiding negativity at work
Tips for avoiding negativity at work Even if you generally like your job, work is still work. Day after day of clocking in makes it easy to get bogged down with everything you don’t like. It certainly doesn’t help if your workplace is full of coworkers who make a habit of complaining. That said, negativity never made anybody more successful or productive. It can even prove to be a toxic and destructive force that can really impact your performance and career. Rather than joining the chorus of complainers, try to be the person who walks into the room and lights it up! Here’s how.Stop bad thoughts before they ruin your day.Learning to recognize negative thoughts when you first have them is the first step. As soon as you feel a complaint rise up, take a second. Pause. Resist the urge to let the annoyance wash over you and choose to move on to more productive things instead. Once you gain a little distance from your initial negativity, you’ll see what waste of time and energy it is.Practice, in this case, makes perfect- it’s not easy to take that extra beat to shake off your annoyance. Once you get into the habit, however, ignoring it will become second nature.Change the way you speak.Do you find yourself using a lot of negatives in your speech? Maybe you tend to speak in absolutes: These lunch meetings are always awful. This guy’s work is never on time. Try easing up on those black-or-white sentiments, leaving room for hope of improvement. Don’t write off someone or something- assume there’s room for improvement and give people the benefit of the doubt. Everyone’s just trying to get through the day.Take action.If you’re all doom and gloom but are doing nothing to change your current situation, you don’t really have room to complain- at least not all the time. Take an active part in your life. Go talk to the person who’s annoying you. Go ahead and get that really annoying project finished so it is off your desk. Do something productive instead of simmering in your own mud.Give up on reading minds.Do you (mis)interpret everything people do or say in order to feel worse about it? If someone hasn’t responded to your networking request or Facebook message, do you automatically assume they don’t like you? Or if someone praises your work, is your first reaction that they’re just saying that to make you feel better? You shouldn’t take things so personally, and you definitely can’t read minds. So stop trying. You’re only causing yourself unnecessary pain.Try on some new shoes.If you only ever consider the world or any particular situation, from your perspective, then you might get stuck in certain negative thought patterns. If you’re angry or frustrated or annoyed try looking at the situation from a different angle. People act a certain way for a reason, and nailing down that reason can help you look at annoyances from a practical viewpoint. You mig ht not find that you totally understand or forgive every person, but you will find that you waste much less of your day being grumpy about it.Be nice.If you are the kindest version of yourself (even when you are about to burst with grumpiness), good vibes will flow your way. First, treat yourself well- do nice things to brighten your day and change your outlook to something more positive. But also make sure to throw in a few random acts of kindness to people around you. It will make you feel better about the world and it will brighten someone else’s day. Everybody wins.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Fred Bailey An Innocent Abroad(1) Exam case study Essay
Fred Bailey An Innocent Abroad(1) Exam case study - Essay Example So before venturing out on any project, a global project manager must do a complete examination of communal, fiscal, governmental, traditional and technical factors so that he is better equipped to alleviate trials posed with global projects (Varner, 2011). Analysis A cautious scrutiny of this case discloses a unsophisticated lack of cross-cultural knowledge, Personality stereotyping, miscommunication and poor decision making ability (Cheerla, 2010). Fred does not reveal a high level of cultural awareness enough to identify some of the noticeable cultural challenges, which were steady in showing the greatest gaps. Fred, the project manager culture is evidently different from that of Japan. This is key to a company overall performance because it encompasses the four cultural dimensions, which are, emotion, time, power and thinking. Problems encountered by Fred during his meeting with subordinates denote communication problems (Deresky, 2000). Having laid down his plans for future dire ction of the company office, he did not receive the desired response from his Japanese colleagues. United States is vastly individual oriented (Briscoe et al, 2012). People are anticipated to make decisions, and those decisions are expected to be in the best interest of the individual and his or her close family. In contrast, Japan is a community oriented; community and/or group interests take preference over the privileges of individuals. This contributed to miscommunication problems between Fred and his new colleagues. First, during the staff first meeting, he asked people for their individual opinions on how to improve things, and second, when he asked Tashiro, â€Å"what he thought†about the significant task being assigned to him. In both situations, they were reluctant to answer and, when they did answer, they gave vague explanations. To achieve success, Fred would have invited the group as a whole to discuss ideas and come up with a unified group vision. Personality st ereotyping was contributed by Fred lack of cross-cultural knowledge (Nkomo et al, 2010). Establishment of heartfelt relations with coworkers is necessary for Japanese. Employees intermingle with each other informally outside of the office and these relationships are taken into description when making professional decisions. Fred had to maintain authority, yet create a relationship that would unite all staff. On his arrival, he relaxed for two days at home then headed straight to work where he clearly assumed authority. He did not take time to know about his colleagues outside the company environment. Thus, when he assigned the project to an individual and encouraged him that he was worthy of the task required, that was stereotyping from him. He approached the employees in an impersonal style and expected them to be engaged because the company anticipated it. Lack of cross-cultural knowledge was the basis for poor decisions Fred made (Stroh, 2005). Relying on his American culture, he immediately lays down his proposal to the prospective Japanese client and he expects him to respond immediately. Fred was actually was not aware of the importance of personal relationship in business dealings in Japan during his strategizing and staff meeting. In Japan, comfort during business meetings is essential for success. Lack of basic knowledge of Japanese business environment; lead Fred to make poor decisions even before he arrived in Japan. For instance, his
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Debate - Essay Example Many of the women in this world are struggling because of poor financial abilities. In some fundamental societies, women forced to limit their activities within the boundaries of their home. The major reason for male domination in our society is the superior financial abilities of men over women. It should be noted that in many families men are working while the women are looking after the family matters. In such families, men do believe that they are working hard for the family and hence they need more recognition. They often neglect the hard labour undertaken by women in kitchen and in other family matters. Since the hard work in kitchen is often gone unnoticed, men do not have respect towards such hard labour. They never experienced the agony of managing a kitchen and looking after the needs of children. Men often label kitchen work as an unproductive works and their work as the productive work. In other words, men tend to believe that only the salaried profession is productive wh ereas unsalaried profession is non-productive. Because of such traditional beliefs, men often tend to neglect the hard work of women and try to dominate them. It should be noted that in India like countries, the government is considering a law to recognize and respect the hard works of women in kitchen and home. If passed by the parliament, husbands in India should provide a percentage of their financial earnings to their wives as a salary for the kitchen work. If the women have good jobs, such humiliating experiences may not occur to them. It is difficult for a woman to get an ideal or good husband. Even good husbands behave badly at times. In other words, it is difficult to have a 100% good husband. The concept of good husband is not at all absolute; but it is relative and subjective. Women often compare their husbands with other’s husbands while labelling their husband as good or bad. When a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Divorce - Cause and Effect Essay Example for Free
Divorce Cause and Effect Essay Before a marriage is fully â€Å"matured†3 out of 10 fail and resort in a divorce. No child want’s to hear the word divorce mentioned by their parents, little alone the other spouse. Many now a days seek divorce as an â€Å"easy way out,†given that they have an annulment. Some may even cheat the system and get married for the spouses money, title, or objects. The marriages that are there just for show, don’t tend to last as long and become unhappy. In a marriage anything can go wrong from bad communication, cheating, and abuse. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, once a Russian novelist said, â€Å"much unhappiness come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.†The number one reason marriages end is because of the lack of communication in the relation, according to Huffington Post. There are five main instances where a lack of communication can affect the marriage. The first one, is hiding your feelings. If youre having a heated conversation with your spouse but keeping in feelings or problems then where is your relationship going to go? Oh I can help, nowhere. The next type is bodily or physical. Simply rolling your eyes, walking away from the conversation, shrugging your shoulder, or even the lack of eye contact can push someone away. A â€Å"win-lose attitude†is one of the most aggravating things for someone to do, personally. If someone always says, â€Å"it wasn’t me,†if theyre judgemental or a very negative person it can agitate you and even bring you down. Lastly a lack of politeness can make someone feel underappreciated. If you continuously do something for someone and they correspond in a uncaring manner you will tend to feel over time like you don’t matter. The simple command, like â€Å"take the dog out,†can seem abrasive. Theyre no such thing as over kindness, if someone does something nice for you, you can just simply correspond with a â€Å"thank you.†â€Å"Thank you honey,†any house wife, or husband would love to hear of their spouse. Just by keeping the â€Å"spark†between you and your spouse lite can help keep them interested in you, instead of others. Infidelity is the cause for 53% of a divorce. Only 31% of marriages last after a cheating incident, and a whopping 53% of relationships are cheated. Isn’t it ironic though how psychiatrists and marriage counselors are the top two professions for the divorce rate. you would think since they work with helping marriages, that theyd have a lower chance, I guess not in this case. Many events can lead to infidelity. After the first year in the marriage there is the same habitual activities every day where the cheater may feel like they need something new in life, which is when someone may first turn to cheat. Having a child is a huge factor, it’ll affect the relationship no matter what you have done. The stress of having to completely care for another human being can affect you mentally, and some feel like they want to go out and have an adventure, but they turn to the wrong activity when that happens. When it comes to the 5th to 7th year, also known as â€Å"the seven year itch.†By this time most couples may have obtained the â€Å"american dream,†but they start to become bored and unhappy, so they turn to something new, to change things up. Then there’s the mid-life crisis. Generally around this time you’ve spent 20 years with the person, but youre just not quite sure that another 20 you want to be with the person. These instances are generally the reasons which fuels someone to cheat. It’s not always the case, but these are the times when infidelity is started. Just picture 5 million women, which is just a quarter of women in a marriage. That mere 25% is the percentage of women that have been in a abusive relationship. There’s six different way abuse can happen, the following are: physical, emotional, verbal, economic, mental, and sexual.Why do they do it? They seek to control their spouse. Emotional, mental, and verbal is generally how it starts, but then it can progress to sexual and economic. It can be hard for These types of abuse though don’t always pertain to the spouse, it could be happening to a child or children of the couple. To say divorce only affects the two joined in holy matrimony is an unstatement. The children, friends, family, everyone thats connected to the two can be effected. As a child that has divorced parent, since I was two, can say it still affects me. I have to figure out a time during break when I can go that doesn’t conflict too much with my sports, I barely get to see my dad, and it’s hard to see my mom work and earn all of the money, by herself for us. So if you don’t want your marriage to end try to keep good communication a priority, whatever you do don’t cheat, and be sure to check if youre being or are abusive, so you can get help to work on it. Sources Facts, Infidelity. â€Å"Infidelity Facts and Information.†Infidelity Facts. n.d. 27 March 2014. Pave, Project. â€Å"6 Types of Abuse.†Just for Teens. n.d. 27 March 2014. Post, Huffington. â€Å"Divorce Causes: 5 Communication Habits That Lead To Divorce.†November 29, 2012. HuffPost. 27 March 2014.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Violent Literature of the 1960s Essays -- Violence Vietnam War Litera
Violent Literature of the 1960's Like any idealistic movement of the 1960’s the anti war movement began as an impassioned protest. Peaceful rhetoric dictated by the emerging counter culture lined its foundations, propelling it into existence and giving it such hope and fervor it was impossible to ignore. Causes such as this were the catalyst for togetherness and comradery within and around communities. The Free Speech Movement set the stage for this national awakening, forcing the public to open their eyes to the issues at hand. Mario Savio’s cries for action rung out in the ears of the country, sparking an uprising of young idealistic believers; they had to put a stop to a war already reeking of death. Some of the most honest literature was created during the anti war movement, narrating the course of emotional attachment and dedication individuals felt. As Andrew Gordon wrote: â€Å"The time was ripe, America was ours, and we were going to change the world: Paradise Now or Apocalypse Now†(Por table Sixties Reader 231). The Free Speech Movement (FSM) began as a simple protest of the unjust enforcement of laws by school officials. Peaceful civil disobedience bled into more direct action as the cause grew, drawing increasing support from students and the surrounding community. Mario Savio sat in the center of this whirlwind transfer of power and emotion, summoning from within himself a passion that soon took hold of the Berkeley campus. The FSM became more than just a movement to gain rights; it became a national anthem of student progress and the ability to truly change an institution. Prior to entering Sproul Hall, student demonstrators listened as Savio fervently called them into action: There is a time when the op... ...both literally as well as through literature. Peace was born of idealistic individuals willing to fight with their words and diplomatic actions. This peace then mutated into a revolutionary society filled with radical leaders calling for violence to stop the war; a proverbial situation where fire was being used to fight fire. This flourish of harmony that existed throughout the country was inevitably weak, equipped to break at any moment. Thompson writes of this disintegration: â€Å"†¦with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water markâ€â€that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back†(Thompson 68). Literature from the 1960’s stands today as some of the most powerful narration of the domestic struggle out country witnessed. It documents the rocky movements of students and communities alike and paints an amazing picture of the battle to end the war.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde a typical gothic novel? Essay
â€Å"Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†is described by many as a Gothic novel. The height of popularity for Gothic novels was the late Victorian period; however they are still being published today, showing an undying thirst for them. The recognised criteria for a gothic novel include: the story of an outsider, one who does not fit in to society, a misfit. They can explore the boundaries of evil and good and even try to break them. In gothic novels the weather tends to be of a cold, dark nature to signify the personality of the character plus the often, dark nature of the story. Animals associated with fear are often included and generally there is a form of civil unrest due to the actions of the title character. The story is more often than not characterised by mystery and supernatural horror. A reason why I think that â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†is a typical gothic novel is because of the description of scenery. The street upon which Jekyll/Hyde resides is â€Å"on the left hand†; immediately this tells me that the house has an air of evil about it. In religious culture the left hand is often associated with being led astray, as it says in the Bible in the book of Ecclesiastes â€Å"A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left.†This signifies that those who choose the right hand choose the path of good; those who choose the left are easily corrupted. Also it is associated with evil because of the etymology of the word â€Å"sinister†which in Anglo French reads as â€Å"senestre†meaning on the left and from the Latin â€Å"sinistr-†meaning on the left side. The house is â€Å"sinister†and â€Å"thrust forward†, which tells me that it is a dark, menacing place, it being thrust forward tells me that it does not fit in nor conform to anyone or anything else. The house also has no windows; windows are often referred to as â€Å"eyes to the soul†; I think that this is a reference to Hyde himself. The fact that there are no windows symbolises that Hyde has no soul. At this point I would like to make clear that the aforementioned street is in fact Hyde’s dwelling. In contrast Jekyll’s dwelling which coincidentally is the same house that leads onto a different street. Jekyll’s â€Å"street shone out in contrast to its dingy neighborhood†(Hyde’s dwelling) and exudes an â€Å"air of invitation†. This is completely the opposite of Hyde’s street and is used to symbolise Jekyll’s character. The two streets are symbolic of the dual nature of man- a very common element of a gothic novel. However, there seems to be a lack of a common, if not vital, element of a Gothic novel- Architecture. In a Gothic novel the architecture is of a sharp, curved, spooky nature. There are often haunted castles, graveyards, crypts. For example in the 1839 short story by Edgar Allan Poe- â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†, there are â€Å"many dark and intricate passages†. This is just one of the many example of gothic architecture in the story. However, in â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†the architecture seems to be typically Victorian, with little or no Gothic features. Another reason is the story revolves around the constant struggle that â€Å"man is not truly one, but truly two†, this details that all men have a good side but we are constantly at war with our impulses to do evil. In this story Dr. Jekyll breaks the bounds between the two and becomes utterly consumed by evil. This is similar to another gothic novel- Mary Shelley’s â€Å"Frankenstein†. In this story the bounds are between life and death- â€Å"Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds†. This struggle presents the weakness of man in regards to resisting temptation, and is a very common feature of a gothic novel. A different reason is because of Mr. Hyde himself. He is described as â€Å"a little man who was stumping†. This allows me to imagine that because of his size and stature he is not a whole person; something is missing; a vital piece of the puzzle that forms a human. Hyde is also described as a â€Å"damned Juggernaut†. In my opinion this word was used as it can have many meanings- it could mean a â€Å"large, overpowering, destructive force†. This could signify the evil that is devouring Jekyll. Or it could mean- â€Å"anything requiring a cruel sacrifice†. I believe that Jekyll is cruelly sacrificing his goodness for the darkness which lies within not only him but every other human being. There is a significant event that occurs within the story which gives us a sample of his true nature- â€Å"the man trampled calmly over the child’s body†. The very thought of this incident sends a shiver down my spine and evokes anger within me, the fact that he did it in a calm manner tells me that he has not one ounce of remorse, not for the girl nor her family and would not think twice about repeating his actions. Also, the fact that the incident occurred on â€Å"a black winter morning†tells me that Hyde has a black heart and is a cold, slippery character. I think because it is morning, which is when the sun rises, it signifies the rise of the hold that evil has over Jekyll. The next reason why â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†is typically Gothic is the weather††¦and the first fog of the season. A great chocolate-coloured pall lowered over heaven†. The fact that it was the first fog of the season signifies Hyde’s fist evil deed in his season of corruption. Fog adds a definite eeriness to the scene, it corrupts our eyes, shrouds us in an unknown abyss. This is basically what is happening to Jekyll; he has been blanketed in a thick fog which has stolen his ability to differentiate between good and evil. However, weather in â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†is on the sparse side. However, the 1869 novel by Richard Dodderidge Blackmore- Lorna Doone includes a lot of Gothic weather:†violent rain†and â€Å"bitter frost†an example of a Gothic novel that uses a wide range of symbolic weather. Stevenson incorporates Social criticisms into his novel. These are his own personal views in which he subtly criticises society. One of the issues that Stevenson makes an example of is that of child prostitution. Previously, I mentioned Hyde trampling over a young girls body, this event took place at â€Å"about three o’clock of a black winter morning†. This raises the question- what on earth would a young child be doing on the streets at that hour of the night? Mary Shelley also incorporates social criticisms into her novel- â€Å"Frankenstein†. Everyone in the story judges the creation on his appearance, Shelley’s criticism is that we should judge people on their character, personality and values; not by any means their appearance. Romance is also a common feature of a Gothic novel. For example in â€Å"The Modern Prometheus†, Frankenstein himself is in love- â€Å"I thought I saw Elizabeth, in the bloom of health, walking in the streets of Ingolstadt. Delighted and surprised, I embraced her†. In â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†there is not a single wisp of romance, the novel is completely and utterly void of it. Yet another Gothic feature that â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†lacks. In conclusion â€Å"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†has some aspects of a Gothic novel, yet it lacks some small and yet some vital elements of one.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Goya and Research/Analysis on His Works
I used to draw as a child, but then again, who didn't? But as I dove into my art class, I found out that art was a lot more interesting than I thought. I visited the Getty Center as a young child, and as memory portrays it, the museum was boring and strict. So when I found out I would be venturing there once again, I was uninterested and sullen. To my surprise, I loved the trip. The architecture was the first thing to appeal to me, and my grandma, who was from Korea, had never seen anything like it! I loved the different paintings, some telling tales of old.I learned that to all art is stale and boring, but can tell you a story if you Just stop and listen. The two paintings that I have decided to compare and contrast are Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco De Soya and The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters also by Francisco De Soya. I chose Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco De Soya because it stood out to me. My childhood drawings were no different from any other adolescent boy, monsters destroying cities, giants eating cars, violence and fiction.When I saw Saturn Devouring His Son, my childhood memories clicked and it seemed like an adult erosion of any child's drawings. The painting shows Saturn with wild hair, bulging eyes, fists dripping in blood, and a frenzied look on his face. He is crouching in the darkness, violently eating a child. From a simple glimpse, this painting might seem pure carnage and evil, but as with all paintings, there is a message it conveys. In Greece-Roman mythology, the Sky and Earth bore Saturn and his siblings (the Titans). When the Sky pleaded for Saturn to kill his father, he agreed and afterwards married his sister Rhea.Some time later it was prophesied that one of Saturn children could be his demise, so Saturn devoured every child that was born except one, because he was tricked. Some assume that Soya got his inspiration for this painting from Peter Paul Rube's 1639 piece that depicted Saturn with a scythe and constellati on, tearing into a child, but with no blood or gore. Francisco De Soya actually painted this work along with the 14 other Black paintings in a house called Quanta Del Sword. This series is known as is Soya took away any indicator and instead painted the vicious scene of cannibalism that would have taken place.There are no indicators that this painting is mythological in any way. The reason Soya chose a female instead of a male corpse is most likely because Soya was struggling with his own old age and that he had bad luck with love and happiness. Saturn in Greece- Roman mythology represents lost time and Soya was not only painting a myth, but painting a message that time was attacking his chance at love and youth. The other artwork that I chose is The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters also by Francisco De Soya. I chose this piece because I liked the artwork and [epic]
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Benefits of Having a Dog Essay Sample
Benefits of Having a Dog Essay Sample Benefits of Having a Dog Analysis Essay Benefits of Having a Dog Analysis Essay Dogs are considered a man’s best friend. Owning a dog is beneficial as it provides balance, emotional well-being, and unconditional love. It is also a great pleasure to spend time in the company of these furry creatures. Dogs provide people with meaningful social support, improve physical and psychological state, increase the level of happiness and decrease stress. The Benefits of Having a Dog are Numerous Firstly, dogs promote health. They help people cope with anxiety and improve an overall mental health, not to mention a number of other health benefits. In addition, dogs are widely used to help people recover from very serious illnesses including cerebral palsy and insult. Secondly, dogs provide social benefits as they influence their owner’s well-being. The pets make people happier, provide greater self-esteem and prevent depression. Dog owners are better socialized and are closer to important people in their lives than those who have no dogs. Thirdly, dogs prevent stress and decrease it. These animals are considered masters at helping people feel calm and relieve stress. Dogs are the best listeners and they do not care about human actions and thoughts. When a person is upset or sad, a dog can give a stress outlet helping to cheer up. Fourthly, dogs improve mood. Stroking a dog may reduce blood pressure and bring balance to our emotional state. The eyes of a favorite dog help people who are in a bad mood. Fifthly, dogs ensure home security and safety. Dogs are extremely protective when a stranger comes to the door. In addition, a barking dog may put off many potential burglars and intruders. Sixthly, dogs have a favorable influence on children. Children who own dogs perform better at school and are more successful. Moreover, bringing up, feeding and regular walks create a sense of responsibility. Dogs have a positive influence on human health, emotional state. They add to the development of communication skills and the sense of responsibility as well as play an important role in child fostering and family relationships. In addition, dogs increase feelings of well being and devotion, ensure safety and even save people’s lives. Dogs are among the most popular pets. These animals are usually called a man’s best friends and there is a reason for it. Dogs’ intelligence, loyalty, affection and devotion are incredibly rewarding. Owning a dog may raise spirits. In addition, having a walk together, relaxing at home together or being greeted by a happily wagging tail engenders a sense of well-being. These are the main reasons why so many people own dogs. What is more important is the fact that pets can play an important social role in people’s lives. Lonely people can get a dog in order to overcome social isolation. In addition, dogs improve people’s health, help to communicate and break the ice. Hence, having a dog is beneficial as dogs provide people with emotional well-being, balance and unconditional acceptance of who we are. Despite the fact that dogs provide meaningful social support, serving to improve owners’ happiness, well-being, and even their physical health there are not many studies on whether all people benefit from owning pets to the same degree or not and whether pets provide social support for people in general (McConnel et al., 2011). It has long been known that dogs bring a lot of pleasure to people who own them. However, there is little awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of having a dog, but it is worth knowing about. Our research is focused on investigation of the advantages of having a dog as a pet. Health Promotion To start with, it should be underlined that these furry friends help to cope with anxiety and dealing with them improves an overall mental health, not to mention a number of other health benefits. A research carried out for over 25 years has shown that a close contact with dogs can lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. A dog, of course, is not the only way to solve problems, but it can help to monitor blood pressure. The study of 240 married couples showed that the owners of dogs had lower blood pressure and heart rate than people who did not own them. The similar study of children showed that there was a significant reduction of blood pressure in children suffering from high blood pressure when they stroked a dog (or any other pet) or played with it. Moreover, the children showed improvement in the general mental state, they became more obedient and easier to adapt socially. In addition, people who own a pet, spend more time outdoors, and have a stronger immune system. Dogs can even help in social life helping people stay active and energetic. It has been investigated that keeping a dog may also reduce the levels of bold triglyceride and cholesterol. Dog ownership is considered to be one of the best predictors of survival from a heart attack. It is also believed that pet ownership, dog ownership in particular, reduces national health expenditures (Headey, 1999). Dogs are widely used to help people recover from very serious illnesses. For example, doctors all over the world are amazed how pet dogs help children come out of a comma. There is a belief that animal assisted therapy is a great breakthrough in medicine. However, the practice of using dogs as a part of therapy dates back to the late 18th century, when these animals were introduced into mental institutions to help in communication with patients with mental disorders, people in a state of anxiety and those suffering from cardio-vascular dystopia. Such patients improved behavioral and psychological indicators of anxiety in the presence of dogs. In addition, people in wheelchairs have more positive emotions and easily communicate with strangers when they are accompanied by a dog. Another benefit of communication with animals is immune stimulatory effects of microorganisms, which, in accordance with the hygiene hypothesis, may protect against allergies and autoimmune diseases. Studies have shown that when a dog lived permanently in the house children were less prone to develop an allergy to pets: only 19% of children with a dog in the house compared to 33% of the total statistics of children whose parents did not keep pets. This is not the only surprising fact. Much lower risk of eczema and other skin diseases and higher levels of certain chemicals in the immune system were observed among children who were in close contact with animals, dogs in particular. That allows health professionals to conclude that a stronger activation of the immune system is a result of communication with our pet friends (Headey, 1999). It was also revealed that dogs helped people with cerebral palsy and after insult. Dogs positively influence the recovering of motor functions and mood. Children with Down syndrome are also treated with the help of dogs. For example, in a medical center in Panama, which is under the leadership of Mario Chang, doctors use specially trained dogs in a therapeutic practice that helps to cope with mental and physical disabilities including Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and autism (Dog Helps Boy Recover from Coma, 1992). Companion animals may provide unconditional love and comfort to families with children suffering from autism. Most families reported that their children have very close bonds with dogs and felt comfortable and relaxed with their pets. The admirers of dogs state that dogs make people move more and in that way improve their health. According to the study of 351 people aged 20 to 80 published a few years ago in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine on average dog owners spend a far greater amount of time performing moderate physical activity than those who do not have a dog (Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). A study, which was attended by new owners of a Yorkshire terrier, showed a highly significant reduction in minor health problems during the first month after the purchase of the puppy, and this effect was maintained until the end of the study. Many Americans have even calculated the percentage of survival of patients with the coronary heart disease, and concluded that the owners of Yorkies were significantly less likely to die within a year of acute myocardial infarction as compared to those who did not have a pet. In addition, older people started to spend considerably more time in physical activity, and Yorkshire terriers were thus a necessary stimulus. These results suggest that the acquisition of an animal can have a positive impact on human health and behavior, and have a prolonged effect on the overall condition. It is a proven fact that cat and dog owners exhibit noteworthy improvements in their self-reported physical and psychological health, compared with those who donâ€⠄¢t own a pet (Prokop Tunnicliffe, 2010). Social Benefits McConnel et al. (2011) worked out and held three experiments during which they examined how people benefit from communication with dogs every day. It turned out that the advantages of having a god are stronger when pets fulfill ones social needs. As a result, scientists concluded that â€Å"pet owners often experience greater well-being (e.g., greater self-esteem), exhibit healthier personality characteristics (e.g., more conscientiousness), and show attachment styles that are less negative towards the self (i.e., less fearful, less preoccupied)†(McConnel et al., 2011). One more argument for keeping a dog as a pet is the fact that pets also influence their owner’s well-being. People, who have dogs, seldom suffer from depression, are less lonely, have greater self-esteem, and are happier. Dog owners are better socialized and are closer to other important people in their lives as well as receive more support from them. Scientists found that people and their animals have a strong connection and those who have â€Å"healthier personalities seem to extend their general social competencies to relationships with their pets, and that pets with healthier personalities fulfill their owners’ social needs better†(McConnel et al., 2011). Dogs also provide their owners with social support. Dogs are good assistants for people with disabilities. In many countries, the degree of acceptance of dog guides at public facilities is rather high. Researchers find a number of benefits from this co-work. Not all people know that dogs have been used to assist people with a variety of physical and mental diagnoses since the 9th century. The first documented example of the therapeutic use of animals â€Å"occurred in the 9th century in Gheel, Belgium, where animals were part of the ‘therapie naturelle’ provided for the handicapped by members of the community†(Bustad Hines, 1984, p.20). Owners and pets’ well-beings are closely related. It was studied that there is â€Å"a link between care for sick pets and owner health†(Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). When a person provides veterinary care for a pet he/she can improve his/her own health. It can be explained by the fact that when â€Å"patients like these report being more vigilant about their own condition because they think of their pet’s condition frequently†(Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). They become more interested in knowledge of the disease, focus more on treatment provided to their pets and to themselves and do the right things. A pet’s disease, that in most cases may be the same as their owners` disease, makes them think not just about their own health; as a result they become more concentrated and disciplined (Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). From a social point of view, a walk with a dog allows not only enjoying fresh air, but also, for example, it is easier to start a conversation or strike up an acquaintance with someone. Walking with dogs or just pet care can provide moderate exercises and fellowship for those who are already at an advanced age. Lower Stress One of the benefits of owning a dog is that it is a master at helping people relieve stress and feel calm. It is well know that talking to a friend about a problem improve a person`s emotional state. A friend should be a good listener, so a dog is a good party. When a person is upset or sad, a dog can give a stress outlet helping to improve mood. It has been proven that people experience less stress caring out stressful tasks when their dogs are with them (Raina et al. 1999). In addition, people, who are with dogs while working, have lower levels of stress during their workday. It was found that having dogs in the workplace improved morale among all staff members. Dogs are tactile creatures. When people are stressed, it is a good remedy to stroke a pet. A dog may lick you and it is emotional exchange. This is the interaction when people do not have to think about what someone else is thinking. When dog owners come home, they are sure that their favorite pet will wait for them. Feeding a dog and playing with it relieves routine stress and improves mood. Thus, having a furry friend can reduce stress and bring support when times get tough. Improved Mood For people who love animals, it is almost impossible to stay in a bad mood when they look into the eyes of their favorite dog. Researchers support the idea that animals, dogs in particular, provide their owners with mood-enhancing benefits (Allen et al., 1991; Raina et al., 1999). Animals are much easier to cope with as compared to people, as they will definitely love people without judging their words and actions. A research has shown that a person needs to spend with a dog only approximately 30 minutes to feel more relaxed (Raina et al., 1999). In addition, playing with a dog raises the brain’s levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters associated with tranquility and pleasure. Thus, simply stoking a dog it is possible to reduce blood pressure and bring balance to a person`s physical and emotional state (Charnetsky, Riggers Brennan, 2004). Home Security and Safety Many dog owners believe that their houses will not be robbed because of a vicious dog. Dogs are usually loving and sweet. However, they are extremely protective when a stranger comes to the door. Studies show that vicious and barking dogs put off many potential burglars. Using a dog as a home security system saves a lot of money, as security systems are expensive. Even a small dog may make a person safe at home, as it may be a reliable alarm. Barking is able to deter potential burglars and intruders. A loud barking makes neighbors look out a window and if necessary call police. Moreover, dogs do not need to learn how to use a weapon or learn safety rules. Their main weapon is jaws and claws. Dogs and Children Psychologists believe that children who have dogs perform better at school. Reinhold Bergler, a German psychologist, found that children whose families had dogs at home were of an exemplary behavior at school and were more successful. The professor and his colleagues interviewed 400 mothers about the behavior and learning abilities of their children aged 13-15 years. Half of the respondents had dogs. It was found that children with dogs, especially boys, usually got better grades at school than their peers without four-legged friends. It is believed that regular walks, feeding and bringing up create a sense of responsibility in children (Shubert, 2012). Animals help children become more concentrated; they capture children’s attention and teach lessons about life, devotion, love, and affection. Many children see dogs as their peers and they learn a lot from animals’ body language. In addition, it is easier to teach children become sympathetic, as animals are straightforward in their behavior and when expressing their feelings. Children-animal bonds contribute to mood improvements, higher confidence and greater empathy (Serpell, 2008). live CHAT Child psychologists unanimously recommend getting a dog for a child who suffers from a lack of communication, is reserved, suspicious etc. The appearance of a puppy is an important part of parenting; it can change the nature of a reserved child for the better. He/she will take care of someone, talk to someone he/she trusts and with who he/she can share his/her secrets without a fear that a friend will spill the beans to someone. In addition, experts are confident that having a puppy brings feelings of responsibility, compassion and concern in a child; it teaches him/her to have the routine of the day as the dog usually gets used to walking at certain hours. In addition, the child receives daily charge of joy while communicating with a shaggy friend. Adopting a dog brings fun and friendship into one’s home and improves a person`s health and mental state. There is no doubt that owning a dog requires hard work especially at the beginning. However, if difficulties are put aside it becomes evident that good things prevail. Dogs can reduce stress, improve health, ease loneliness, promote social interaction and exercises as well as provide a person with affection, the sense of well-being and unconditional love. It should be emphasized that having a pet dog is very beneficial to those who are ready to take care of a pet. The benefits of owning a dog are the following: a positive effect on human health; development of communication skills; an important role in family relationships; child fostering; and positive influence on behavior. Dogs are also able to decrease the level of despair and anxiety, increase feelings of well being and devotion, increase mental capabilities and increase social functioning. In other words, owning a dog really makes a difference in people’ daily life. In addition, there are many real stories glorifying dogs, which have saved people’s lives in different situations. It is known that dogs have a special sense of prediction and are able to quickly respond in case of emergency.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Connotation (of Words) - Definition and Examples
Connotation (of Words) s Connotation refers to the emotional implications and associations that a word may carry, in contrast to its denotative (or literal) meanings. Verb: connote. Adjective: connotative. Also called intension or sense. The connotation of a word can be positive, negative, or neutral. It can also be either cultural or personal. Heres an example: To most people the word cruise connotessuggestsa delightful holiday; thus its cultural connotation is positive. If you get seasick, however, the word may connote only discomfort to you; your personal connotation is negative.(Vocabulary by Doing, 2001) In his book Patterns and Meanings (1998), Alan Partington observes that connotation is a problem area for learners of a language: [Because] it is an important mechanism for the expression of attitude, it is of paramount importance that learners be aware of it in order to grasp the illocutionary intent of messages. Etymology: From the Latin, mark along with Examples and Observations In the East the wilderness has no evil connotation; it is thought of as an expression of the unity and harmony of the universe.(William O. Douglas)Exercise addiction.It sounds like an oxymoronexercise has a healthy connotation, while addiction sounds negative.But experts are seeing some people abuse a healthy lifestyleand for one Los Angeles woman, the addiction lasted nearly 20 years.(Jessica Ryen Doyle, Woman Battles Exercise Addiction for Nearly 20 Years. Fox News.com, October 17, 2012)In the real world, procrastination has a negative connotation.People who leave things to the last minute are often characterized as lazy, unprepared and inefficient.In professional sports, though, procrastination isn’t a label to be ashamed about. In fact, putting things off until the last possible moment might be the sign of a true champion.(Ian Mendes, Procrastinate Like a Champion. Ottawa Citizen, October 15, 2012)Debt is a four letter word. For many people it has the same connotation as m any other four letter words. However, not all debt is bad. . . . In general terms good debt is defined as debt that allows someone to invest in the future such as business loans, student loans, mortgages and real estate loans.(How to Know When Debt Is a Four Letter Word. MarketWatch, October 17, 2012) Stimulus is Washington talk, said Rahm Emanuel, the coming White House chief of staff with a sandpapered-fingertip sensitivity to the familiar connotation of words. Economic recovery is how the American people think of it.(William Safire, Recovery. The New York Times, Dec. 12, 2008)Synonyms and ConnotationsA group of synonyms cannot by definition be distinguished in terms of their denotation, but they usually display noticeable differences of connotation, as in the case of car, automobile, runabout, buggy, banger, bus, hot rod, jalopy, old crock, racer, and so on.(David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2003)A Rose by Any Other Name- Mr. Powers: Jones. I dont like that name. Its going to handicap you, young man. Now wait a minute. Ive got some sort of a name here. Yes. Haverstock. Huntley Haverstock. Sounds a little more important, dont you think, Mr. Fisher?Mr. Fisher: Oh, yes, yes. Very dashing.Mr. Powers: . . . Well, speak up young man. You dont mind being Huntley Haverstock, do you?Johnny Jones: A rose by any name, sir.(Harry Davenport, George Sanders, and Joel McCrea in Foreign Correspondent, 1940)- What’s Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,Nor arm, nor face, nor any other partBelonging to a man. O! be some other name:What’s in a name? that which we call a roseBy any other name would smell as sweet.(Juliet in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare)- Lisa: A rose by any other name smells as sweet.Bart: Not if you call them Stench Blossoms.(The Simpsons) Light CigarettesAltria said it had used terms like light as well as packaging colors to connote different tastes, not safety. But study after studyincluding ones by the industry disclosed in tobacco lawsuitshas shown consumers believe the terms and colors connote a safer product.(Duff Wilson, Coded to Obey Law, Lights Become Marlboro Gold. The New York Times, Feb. 18, 2010)Pork Butt or Boston Roast?In an effort to boost sales going into the grilling season and make shopping at the meat counter a bit easier, the pork and beef industries are retooling more than 350 names of meat cuts to give them more sizzle and consumer appeal. . . .[By summer,] the pork chop will be gone. Instead, grocery retailers could be stocking stacks of porterhouse chops, ribeye chops and New York chops. The pork butt which actually comes from shoulder meatwill be called a Boston roast.(New Meat Names Mean Bye Bye, Pork Chop; Hello, Ribeye. Chicago Tribune, April 10, 2013)ReservationThe name reservation has a negative connotation among Native Americansan intern camp of sorts.(John Russell) TribeSince tribe has assumed a connotation of primitiveness or backwardness, it is suggested that the use of nation or people replace the term whenever possible in referring to Native American peoples.(R. B. Moore, Racism in the English Language, in The Production of Reality, ed. J. OBrien, 2005)Socialism and Capitalism[For many], socialism implies egalitarianism and that people are living for society, while capitalism has been given the connotation of materialism, greedy, selfish, self-serving, and so on.(Milton Friedman)Denotation and Connotation in a Poem by E.A. RobinsonIn the following poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson, distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of the words in italics.Richard Cory (1897)Whenever Richard Cory went down town,We people on the pavement looked at him:He was a gentleman from sole to crown,Clean favored, and imperially slim.And he was always quietly arrayed,And he was always human when he talked;But still he fluttered pulses when he sa id,Good-morning, and he glittered when he walked.And he was richyes, richer than a king,And admirably schooled in every grace:In fine, we thought that he was everythingTo make us wish that we were in his place.So on we worked, and waited for the light,And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,Went home and put a bullet through his head. Denotation and Connotation in a Poem by Henry David ThoreauIn the following poem we have italicized a number of key words whose connotative meaning directs our response to the images. Although the poem is mostly imagesthe overt commentary is confined to the first two linesthe poets attitude is anything but neutral.Pray to What Earth Does This Sweet Cold Belongby Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)Pray to what earth does this sweet cold belong,Which asks no duties and no conscience?The moon goes up by leaps, her cheerful pathIn some far summer stratum of the sky,While stars with their cold shine bedot her way.The fields gleam mildly back upon the sky,And far and near upon the leafless shrubsThe snow dust still emits a silver light.Under the hedge, where drift banks are their screen,The titmice now pursue their downy dreams,As often in the sweltering summer nightsThe bee doth drop asleep in the flower cup,When evening overtakes him with his load.By the brooksides, in the still, genial ni ght,The more adventurous wanderer may hearThe crystals shoot and form, and winter slowIncrease his rule by gentlest summer means.(David Bergman and Daniel Mark Epstein, The Heath Guide to Literature. D.C. Heath, 1984) The Lighter Side of Connotations: Purses and HandbagsWhy is it a handbag instead of a purse?The General simultaneously rolled her eyes and released a tired sigh. A purse is a cheap, plastic discount store thing. A handbag is what contemporary, fashion-conscious women carry. And thats what we sell. Expensive designer handbags. An assortment of the latest trends and must-have famous names. They are handbags and you need to refer to them that way. You can say bag for short, but never, ever, ever say the word purse Its an insult to the exclusive designers we carry. Got it?Got it.But I didnt really get it. The whole thing sounded kind of snooty and stupid.(Freeman Hall, Retail Hell: How I Sold My Soul to the Store. Adams Media, 2009)The Lighter Side of Connotations: PantiesTheres a certain light connotation attached to the word panties. Can we find another name for them?(Joseph N. Welch as Judge Weaver in Anatomy of a Murder, 1959) Pronunciation: kon-no-TAY-shun Also known as: affective meaning, intensional meaning Also see: Choosing the Best Words: Denotations and ConnotationsAssociative MeaningBertrand Russell on the Connotative Power of WordsConceptual MeaningCommonly Confused Words: Connotation and DenotationCommonly Confused Words: Connote and DenoteDysphemism and EuphemismGlittering GeneralitiesLoaded WordsOrthophemismParadiastolePejorative LanguagePhonaestheticsReflected MeaningSemanticsSemioticsSnarl Words Purr WordsSubtextSynonym and SynonymyUsage NoteWord ChoiceWriters on Writing: Ten Tips for Finding the Right Words
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Poem To Elsie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Poem To Elsie - Essay Example The diction is often general and seemingly flaccid; "devil-may-care men who have taken / to railroading / out of sheer lust of adventure," or "young slatterns, bathed / in filth." Its major focus is the speaker himself, who sums up in swift, passionate, and broken utterance the human condition in which he participates. (Axelrod, Roman, Travisano, 86-87) Along the texture of the development of the poem the gradual ascendancy evokes enlightened pastures when it says "some doctor's family, some Elsie/voluptuous water/expressing with broken/brain the truth about us/her great ungainly hips and flipping breasts/addressed to cheap /jewelry/and rich young men with fine eyes/ as if the earth under our feet/were/an excrement of some sky", the poem describes Elsie's body and alert us that the female body linked to the hierarchies of the country, the class and the gender in the culture. (Axelrod, Roman, Travisano, 86-87) Like most of William Carlos Williams's poems 'To Elsie' is revealed in a formation of translucent transparency which in retrospect is represented in the most punctual truthfulness to the point of honesty. In this context it should be remembered that the Williams poems are uniquely honest towards itself and they reveal everything that is possibly expressible though words. This honesty in words is deeply felt when Williams narrates in the last lines of the poem almost in a circumstantial detached mood. "It is only in isolate flecks that / something / is given off / No one / to witness / and adjust, no one to drive the car. (Axelrod, Roman, Travisano, 87) It is so evident in these lines that the poet is viewing the whole scenario as a circumspect manner with a mood of watching the whole expressions as a passive watcher. Going through the lines of the poem 'To Elisie' I was able to feel the pain of the poet is transmitted into the readers' mind through a contour of expressions expressed not only in an honest but in an extremely informative manner. This is because the poet is willing to take himself away from the present scenario as if as a mode of protest against the then present situation which was far from his socialist sense of utopia. (Matterson, 29) This formation of the poem and the way it builds up from a rather unemotional scenario into words describing the common plight as Americans, at least the America of his time reflects the psyche of the poet time and again throughout the poem with such line that says "as if the earth under our feet/were/an excrement of some sky". It could be found that these are the things which destroy the American dream of the poet's time. Until he can force his imagination to take account of and establish his contact with his own, local, instead of letting himself strain after the other where of "deer / going by fields of goldenrod," until such a time, the American is doomed to go crazy. (Axelrod, Roman, Travisano, 86-87) Structurally speaking, I felt the form is directly derived from the optimistic philosophy of the life itself thereby placing the entire poem in a simplistic format that blends flawlessly with the apparent simplicity of the poem. To me, theoretically, Williams's poems are placed in the other side of the coin that is used by the poets like T.S.
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